Conduct Policies


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Governing Bodies:

  • Hockey Alberta (HA)
  • Hockey Canada (HC)
  • Local, Provincial and Federal legislation related to Board governance, human rights, child protection, etc.
  • In cases of discrepancies with HPMHA policy and those of Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada will prevail. 


HPMHA takes all complaints seriously, AND will handle complaints based on the principles of procedural fairness.

If the complaint relates to suspected harassment, neglect, abuse, sexual assault or other criminal activity, there is a duty report the behavior to the police and/or relevant government authority.  HPMHA asks that a report be made to the board in addition to legal reporting duties, where appropriate.

All conduct information can be found in the HPMHA Policies & Procedures Manual.  

Conduct only information can be found at HPMHA CONDUCT POLICIES (Sept 2022 policies & procedures manual)

HPMHA follows the Hockey Alberta Conduct Management Guide 

Conduct Management Guide >


It is the role of the local minor hockey association or club team to manage conduct related concerns as outlined in Hockey Alberta’s Conduct Management Guide. 

Hockey Alberta is committed to ensuring an investigation of all reports of Maltreatment, Bullying or Harassment involving participants takes place.




It is a must that every participant abides by these principles not only while on the ice, but in the dressing room, in the arenas, and when in any way representing HPMHA. A participant is defined as a player, coach, on-ice official, off-ice volunteer, parent or spectator. The Policy is not intended to address complaints about officiating or general hockey rules.  It is not intended to circumvent Hockey Alberta or Hockey Canada recommendations or standards, nor does it take precedence over disciplinary actions enforced by any league that HPMHA participates in. 

It is a requirement for Member organizations to report all violations, occurrences, and allegations of Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment to Hockey Alberta.


Members are encouraged to use conflict resolution tools to resolve hockey related concerns with their team officials.  

Complaint Flow Process: Due to potential conflict of interest in asking a parent in a team official role to screen complaints,  the HMPHA Division Director will be managing complaints. Complaints that cannot be resolved at the team level  between participants for any reason, are given the the Division Director verbally, in a written letter, by email, by text. 

The Division Director will acknowledge the complaint in writing. The complaint process will be followed that includes board consultation and recommendations for resolution as per the Hockey Alberta Conduct Management Guide Conduct Management Guide >

Complaints given to the Board:  Please note that any situation that involves suspected or alleged ongoing psychological, physical and/or emotional harm to a minor will involve probation (including suspension from certain duties or access to players or other members),  or temporary suspension of the adult involved until the appropriate investigation process can be completed. 

Complaints through: Independent Third Party Complaint Process


Hockey Canada and its Members want to end the culture of silence that exists in parts of hockey. To help ensure that we are a safe space for raising concerns, Hockey Canada has established a new, fully independent, and confidential reporting mechanism for all individuals regarding any incidents involving Hockey Canada sanctioned programming.


Complaint Handling Process

 All members are encouraged to follow conflict resolution tools, waiting for a cool off time when emotions get high, and ways to first try to resolve disputes at the team level. Open communication, consistency, and mediation by the Team Liaison are key. If a dispute cannot be resolved at the team level, the member should contact their Divisional Director.

  • When a situation of unacceptable conduct is identified the following process will occur:
    • Acknowledgement:
    • Investigation
    • Discipline/Decision Committee: if the investigation determines sufficient evidence to proceed, including minimum 1 independent panelist
    • Sanctions: based on the evidence presented, as determined by the board
    • Appeal: the individual may appeal the sanction, using the specified appeal process.
    • Document retention: all notes, digital information and communication must be retained.

NOTE: Where the unacceptable conduct involves abuse, neglect or harassment of any type, the matter may be turned over to the RCMP or other appropriate external authorities without the above occurring.


8.1         The Executive shall have the power to suspend or discipline any coach, manager, player, parent or guardian, trainer, referee, or other official under the jurisdiction of the HPMHA.

8.2         Any member or groups as specified under Bylaw 11 - Membership may be suspended or  expelled from the Association for failure to comply with the Association's Bylaws, Policies,               Rules and Regulations for misconduct or for any other cause which, in the opinion of the Executive, is not in the best interest of the Association.

Conflict Management

Applying “24 Hour Rule” for conflict resolution in cases of bullying:

The 24 Hour Rule is a conflict resolution tool to use when emotions get high.  It is not a reason to postpone or say nothing about bullying, maltreatment, harassment, or abuse when it occurs. Once the behavior is addressed, it is ok to pause any conversation and resume when emotions have subsided.  

Bullying, Maltreatment, Harassment and Abuse is an imbalance of power, and its purpose is to cause harm, alienate and isolate. 

  • By not addressing it immediately, it further victimizes the person, most likely a minor, by silencing them.  It unwittingly sanctions bullies to behave as they do with the idea that bullying & maltreatment won’t matter after a “cooling off” period.
  • Bullies know what they are doing.  They are operating as close to the line as they can, and they know that line very well. 
  • It is up to all HMPHA members to Speak Out.

Hockey is a game that brings out the passion in all of us, the key is to understand how to ensure that those emotions are used in a positive manner. When these emotions become negative and turn into conflict it is important to understand how to manage the situation. A starting point in the management is understanding conflict.

Conflict will occur: for all the good sport brings it can also be stressful - the pressure to perform, the challenges in learning, and even differences in personalities act as multipliers that can create conflict, now add in the additional factor of being a team environment and it becomes clear why conflict will inevitably occur.

Conflict is not always bad: if managed correctly conflict can have positive results such as providing clarity in roles, expectations or values, strengthening commitments, and providing new ways to look at and manage situations.

Conflict is not a contest: the attitude when facing conflict should not be focused on winners and losers but rather the focus must be on solving the issue in a mutually beneficial way.

Actively listen: This is the most important thing is dealing with conflict. Listening helps understand other’s points of view, it can help identify the concern, and sometimes it can diffuse the situation as someone just wants to be heard.

Be respectful: Being respectful means respecting the processes that are set in place to manage concerns as well as being respectful in how interactions occur. Nothing will cause conflict to spiral downwards faster than a lack of respect. 

Remove emotions: When emotions are involved conflict only escalates therefore it is important to ensure that when bringing awareness to an issue it is done free of emotion. Hockey Alberta recommends waiting 24 hours before concerns are brought forward to help assist in removing as much emotion as possible. Emotions can also manifest when discussing a concern, if this is starting to occur it is ok to pause the conversation and resume when the emotions have subsided.   

Be timely: The sooner a concern can be addressed the less likely conflict will become negative since it allows the opportunity for issues to be addressed when they are fresh in people’s minds. Handling issues in a timely manner also prevents increased frustration and emotion that occurs when problems seem to pile on.   

Focus on the concern not the people: focusing on the person only leads to an escalation of conflict and does not have any productive outcomes, the goal of conflict is to find a solution which only happens when the focus is on the concern.

Game & Conduct Management


HPMHA policies outline conduct expected from off-ice to on-ice, team officials, bullying/maltreatment/harassment/abuse, processes, and complaints. 

HMPHA POLICIES (including Conduct/Complaints) - Updated September 2022

All Hockey Canada documents related to Game Conduct Management, Safety, Insurance, etc. can be found here. Other relative Hockey Alberta  policies and information can be found below:

Hockey Canada


Hockey Alberta 

Respect in Sport


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