High Prairie Minor Hockey Association will make a clear commitment to the equity of its members through all its programs and functions, based on the key principles that serve as building blocks upon which minor hockey is built on: Lifelong players, good role models, and fun.
POLICY STATEMENT: High Prairie Minor Hockey Association Policies and Procedures are to:
Hockey Canada and its Members want to end the culture of silence that exists in parts of hockey. To help ensure that we are a safe space for raising concerns, Hockey Canada has established a new, fully independent, and confidential reporting mechanism for all individuals regarding any incidents involving Hockey Canada sanctioned programming.
Maltreatment, Abuse, Harrassment & Bullying Guide
Fair Play Means Safety for All. Hockey Alberta is committed to providing a safe environment for everyone involved in the game. Any form of bullying, harassment, or abuse - whether physical, emotional or sexual - of any participant in any program is unacceptable.
It can happen between peers, younger and older players, or adults and young players. Each association, team, parent, volunteer and staff member is expected to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of participants - especially young participants - and protect them from any form of violence. There is a shared responsibility with parents and guardians to nurture the physical and emotional well-being of our players.
Each association, team, parent, volunteer and staff member is expected to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of participants - especially young participants - and protect them from any form of violence and harm - psychological and physical (maltreatment, abuse, harassment, bullying). There is a shared responsibility with parents and guardians to nurture the physical and emotional well-being of our players.
HPMHA policies outline conduct expected from off-ice to on-ice, team officials, bullying/maltreatment/harassment/abuse, processes, and complaints.
HPMHA CONDUCT POLICIES WEBPAGE: http://www.highprairieminorhockey.com/content/conduct-policies
All Hockey Canada documents related to Game Conduct Management, Safety, Insurance, etc. can be found here. Other relative Hockey Alberta policies and information can be found below: