Players no longer require a Try out form to be filled. Please visit the links below.
AA: Please visit the Hockey Alberta Page for more information.
AAA: Please visit the Hockey Alberta Page for more information.
Changing residences? The Parent Declaration Form is the designated Hockey Alberta form used by Players whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) change residence in situations where the Player continues to reside with the parent(s)/legal guardian(s). The form is a declaration by the Parent(s)/ Legal Guardian(s) of the Player with regard to their permanent or primary residence.
Changing associations, but residency is still the same? The Player Movement Form is a detailed process for a minor hockey player / family to follow when requesting permission for Player Movement. This Player Movement process can be accessed for any of the following scenarios: No team in your age division, team is full, other association merged to create a team, movement of equal, small, or higher categorization and/or different stream of hockey such as female hockey, non body contact, and recreational hockey.
Hockey Alberta may allow a Player that is of first year in a division, by date of birth, to register and participate with a team or a lower age division provided they meet the criteria listed below. Approval of all Overage Players must be obtained through application made by the resident Minor Hockey Association to the appropriate League President/ designate and Hockey Alberta Minor Leagues or Minor Female Committee. Deadline to apply is October 31st.
Overage Players Application Form
Hockey Canada Injury Report Form.pdf
Certificate Of Insurance Request Form.pdf
CODE OF CONDUCT Player and Parent .pdf
Team Financial Report Template-Excel Version
Team Financial Template PDF Version